Project Finance Loan

Project Finance Loan

Project Finance Loan


Project finance is long-term financing of an independent capital investment, which are projects with cash flows and assets that can be distinctly identified.  Real estate project finance is a classic example.  Other examples of project finance include mining, oil and gas, and buildings and constructions Real estate project finance cash flows should be sufficient to cover operating expenses and to fund the financing repayment requirements. Typically, the financing is made up of debt and equity matched to the lifespan of the asset. Our project finance services include structuring privatizations, none recourse and limited recourse finance transactions. We assist our client acquire funding for their long term industrial, infrastructure or public service projects using a limited recourse or non-recourse finance transaction. When the project is completed, the money generated by the project can then be used to pay back the debt and equity that was used in financing the project. We hold the assets, interests and rights of the project as collateral until the projects cash flow can begin to pay off the loan. With our options of non-recourse financing, the lender recourse is greatly limited to only the projects assets in the event that our client defaults on payment whereas in recourse financing the lender could have a full claim to our clients’ cash flow or assets. We are also able to help our clients keep their project financing and liabilities off their balance sheet so that any debts incurred during the project will not be consolidated into the firms’ balance sheet.